
ANALYSIS- Valeriya

Firstly, we decided to test shoot explore some potential ideas for the first scene of our movie. The scene focuses on a girl in a room, and we thought it would be effective to show her from a distance and then zoom into her face, and also her hands as she is writing. Then, we would of gone from this into a side shot, using the dolly as a prop to guide the camera steadily until the camera is facing the back of the girl, where we would then make the transition to an over the shoulder shot.
In the second practice shoot, our cameraman wasn't here, so Valeriya took control of the camera, using her experience from different shots using the dolly in the previous test shoot. However, it didn't go as smoothly as we imagined, as the shots Valeriya took were too jumpy, due to the fact we had no dolly.
The crane shot, we all agreed was the only one that was smoothly done, and after editing, although it wasn't perfect we could see a massive improvement to when we first started.
To have it perfect in the finished piece we will make sure we have the dolly to use and instead of using the same shot to zoom in, we will have a separate shot to do so.

The dolly test was the first time we actually filmed spontaneously, with the use of the dolly. We filmed about an hours worth of footage, only deciding to put the ones we felt were done the best. The first one, a scene from 'Romeo and Juliet' Josh captured the part where Valeriya fell perfectly, zooming out at exactly the right moment. Although once we watched the clip back it was obvious there was room for improvement when operating the dolly and needed to be slightly more steady when moving the camera.

For the next two shots, we decided to collaborate them to show a sort of short scene, where Valeriya reads a note and the camera moves closer, then stops to zoom in. It zooms into her eyes, causing a suspensive effect, and the scene quickly changes to Josh on a chair, as if the camera is going into his mind. It gives an eerie sense that he has something to do with what the letter is about, as the camera is moving along the dolly as his eyes are following it, however this also could've been done better by the camera moving less.


As a group we were all responsible for taking good care when using equipment to prevent it from dropping or being damaged, we had to practice handling the camera and how be safe at all times. We all had to make sure when using the camera and equipment that we are not around any potential hazards for instance when filming there had to be enough room for the tripod, lights or any other equipment. We also had to ensure everyone involved in the film was cautious of the equipment and to be wary of it, this was especially important when filming the party scene as the majority of the people there were not directly involved in our project. We made sure no-one at the party had a drink other than Valeriya until we finished filming in case a fluid was spilt. Another risk was the safety of ourselves, we made sure we filmed in appropriate places with minimal hazards. An example of a hazard when filming was multi-level locations such as stairs, there is a risk when continuously going up and down stairs not only for the actor/s but for the people using equipment as the tripod is quite large meaning it could easily fall down the stairs. 

Some things are made to be broken. But can love really conquer all? Even the things that could hurt you the most?

The film focuses on Summer, a teenage girl from west london, friendly, popular, she just fits in with the crowd. However when dark and mysterious Ethan joins, she can't help but feel attracted to him, although being Head Girl and dating the Head Boy, loud, gorgeous Niall, she puts those feelings aside, until one day, fate brings them together, and her feelings reappear, but have severe consequences, i mean, would you want to be in love with someone that potentially could kill you in a moment? 

Summer- Protagonist. Popular teenage girl who's life get turned around by Ethan.
Ethan- Dark, Brooding, Handsome. He's got a secret. He's a fallen angel.
Ellie- Summer's best friend.
Niall- Summer's perfect boyfriend. He's got the looks, the money, the car. But is he really as perfect as he seems.



Firstly, we chose to use my house as a destination for a party, as it would've have been difficult to film a party, due to people not wanting to be filmed etc. this would have meant that the camera would've been only focused on the people that did want to be filmed instead of the whole party in general. We made sure everyone knew they were being filmed and they agreed to participate.
Secondly we used my bedroom to film the diary scene, as it is a dim setting, which created tension. We also used the stairs and my bedroom for the scene where i get hurt as this allowed us to take as many takes as we wanted, without having to rush if it was a friends house.
Finally we used the school to film meeting Ethan and talking about the party "Michael" was having which we filmed in my house. This was because it set an environment that was predicable. You would expect a girl of my age to be going to school.
We didn't really have a budget for this film. We bought snacks and drinks for the party which came to a sum of £10.


Firstly everyone wrote down what days and time they were free and then using that we produced a call sheet so everyone involved knew when we were shooting, where we were shooting, and what equipment/props/costumes they had to bring.
An example of one of our call sheets:
Date: Tuesday 21st February 10:30am-11am
Scene: Ethan getting ready for the party
Location: School toilets (Boys)
Valeriya - Be present to direct
Vincent - Dress as you would to a party
Ellie - Not needed but come if you want 
Josh - Bring camera, tripod, lights

When organising the party scene as there were many more people involved we used our phones as a form of communication texting some, but for the majority we sent out a 'broadcast' on blackberry messenger which is also how we found potential actors to be in it.



In consideration of your permitting me to appear in the theatrical motion picture now entitled
_______________________ (the "Picture") and for good and valuable consideration (the receipt and
sufficiency of which I hereby acknowledge), I hereby grant to you the universal and perpetual right to use,
and to grant others the right to use, my actual or simulated likeness, photograph, voice, personal
characteristics and other personal identification in all manner and media whatsoever in, and in connection
with, the Picture and any other productions; provided, however, that the rights granted to you herein shall
not permit exercise of these rights as a direct commercial endorsement by me of any product or service
(other than the Picture) without first obtaining my consent.
I hereby release you from all liability and obligation to me of any and all nature whatsoever arising
out of or in connection with the exercise of the rights granted above, including, without limitation, from any
liability for violation of rights of privacy, publicity, defamation or any similar right. I hereby indemnify you
against all claims, liability and expense respecting this Release. I agree that I shall be entitled to no
additional consideration as a result of the exercise of the rights granted herein and that you may rely upon
this letter in preparing and exploiting the Picture and any other production.
   The word "you" as used herein shall mean  Valeriya and its
successors, assigns and licensees. 
Date _____________                                   
[signature] ______________________________    

[print name] ______________________________  
 Address: _________________________________

I hereby warrant that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of the person who signed the
foregoing agreement, that I have caused said person to execute said agreement, that I will indemnify you
against all claims, liability and expense respecting said agreement, and that, knowing of your reliance
hereon, I agree to cause said person to adhere to all of the provisions of said agreement.
[print name]

This is an example of the personal release forms that the actors of our film and other people involved, filled it in giving me permission to present them in our opening.
This form was filled in by the following actors:
Valeriya Petrine
Ellie Maynard
Vincent Ricardo Ram
Rana al-mohajab

Location stils 

