

We conducted a questionnaire based on the opening of our film. The purpose behind this questionnaire is to gather the general reaction to the opening from other students in the school, teachers and also our family. From this we hope to gain knowledge on how the audience feel we could improve our film, being slight or quite big changes, how clear they find the opening and whether they would watch the film. The questionnaire is intended as a form of research but mainly promotion as people will be viewing the opening of our film and if they enjoy it people would most likely tell there friends. This form of promotion is 'word-of-mouth' which is becoming increasingly more popular as more and more people 'talk' now, especially on social networking sights such as twitter where there are features like 'trending topics' which can potentially bring attention to our film either locally, nationally or even worldwide.

Age: ___
Gender: Male/Female
How often do you go to the cinema? Never/Rarely/Sometimes/Often
What's your favourite genre?
Favourite film?
Why was it your favourite?
What rating would you give our opening out of ten?  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Would you recommend the film? Yes/No
Would you watch the film yourself? Yes/No
Did you understand the opening?
What did you like about the opening?
In what ways do you think the opening could be improved?

Thank you for your time.
Results of the Questionnaire will be in the evaluation.

How we would raise awareness
We would get a company to sponsor us, for example Lynx because of their use of angels in their advert for 'Exite' and get models to walk around a shopping centre for example Westfield. They would be giving out testers for the spray, which would include an advert of the film and information about it. We would also include on our poster a Blackberry Messenger code, which you could scan to get offers and information. Finally we would create a website which would give clips, and info, as well as being able to virtually 'talk' to the cast and find out about their lives.

For funding we would ask various film production companies to lend it, or try out for a grant. One funding company we could use is as it offers funding to films similar to our genre, which is fantasy.

To distribute we could use a film festival which would create a name for our company in the film world. It would promote and aware the audience of us, which could create potential interest.

Website Analysis

Paranormal activity.
As soon as you get onto the site the trailer pops up and begins to play. The trailer is shown on a large screen and the fact it begins to play automatically almost gives you no option but to watch it. This also fulfils our purpose as by going on the website we're seeking information about the film and the trailer does this in an instant. After you've viewed the trailer the majority of the page is occupied with a moving image of two girls sleeping in their beds, on the top of the page there are tweets from people describing the movie. Paranormal used social networking sites facebook and also twitter, they asked the audience to 'tweet your scream' which was an effective way to promote their film as it was cheap and sites such as twitter and even word of mouth can be very effective.

The Twilight Saga.
I personally don't like Twilights official site as it's not very eye-catching, it's very simple, plain and feels like not a lot of efforts been made. Although saying this the fact that it's simple makes it easy to navigate around without much hassle. There are five tabs for each film, each tab for the films has the same format with a video ready to play along with all the other trailers/teasers/interviews underneath. This is effective as you can just continually click between them which prolongs your time on the site. If you scroll down from this there are 'Real time updates' which is essentially tweets from the official twilight twitter, the cast and fan sites. This is effective as fans which in this film are largely teenage girls are dying to know what Robert Pattinson is thinking or saying which encourages them to continually go on the site. Moreover there are links to the official facebook, youtube, myspace and twitter pages.

Batman: The Dark Knight
Part of the official Warner Bros. Online marketing strategy for "The Dark Knight".
This website built a huge hype at the time as it continuously left clues and teasers to the upcoming film. The actual site is The Jokers desk and on the interactive desk are several interesting features such as a 'to do list', newspaper cut-outs, various phone numbers such as 'The Gotham Times'. You can click on almost everything on the desk to lead you to another page. It is worth noting that there is a police radio playing as you come onto the page adding to what is already a very realistic page. The endless number of links, quiz's ect can keep you on the website for a long time as it's all extremely interesting. 

Promotional Methods

There are several different forms of promotion a few are listed below.

. Print advertising (posters + ads in newspapers & magazines)
. Trailers ( Screened at cinemas + on TV/radio)
. Internet sites (including Facebook 'fan' pages)
.Viral videos
. Festivals

These are all possible forms we could use although trailers screened at cinemas and on TV is a bit far-fetched.

Experiential marketing is a form of promotion that uses elements of emotions, logic and general thought processes to connect with the consumer.
Recently, the film industry has been using this form of marketing to better help promote their movies. In July 2009, during Fourth of July weekend, a black helicopter was hovering 35 feet above the New Jersey shore, while a man was hanging out of the helicopter on a rope ladder. On the side of the helicopter, in big letters, was the logo for G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra. There was also the summer of 2006, when the movie Snakes on a Plane slithered its way into theaters. To help promote the movie, on its website was a recording featuring the movie’s main star, Samuel L. Jackson. If you put in a friend’s name, phone number and other info, they would be getting a call with Samuel L. Jackson’s recorded voice, prompting them to see the movie.
To some experiential marketing is a fairly new form of advertising and it has been proven to be very successful in not only getting the attention of consumers, but in getting them to buy tickets to see the movie. In 1999, to help promote The Blair Witch Project, advertisers used the internet to suggest the events in the film were true and actual. As a reaction, the film with a low budget of $20,000 – $25,000 went on to become the third highest grossing independent film, just behind Paranormal Activity and Mad Max.

These promotion stunts are obviously un-realistic for us as we went on a budget of £10 and hiring a helicopter would cost slightly more. However there are several other unique example that we ourselves could perform.
For instance wreck 2 promoted there film by walking the streets of london handing out leaflets and interviewing people. When carrying out the interview people dressed as characters from the film would attack the people being interviewed. This could easily be achieved for us although for our film it may be more appropriate to dress up as angels and devils, it would certainly attract attention and would use word of mouth to to spread the word. We could also record parts and take photo's to put on our website, or to upload to youtube.


Contraband's official twitter page.
This can be used to inform people about the film, to recieve feedback, to build hype, and promote it.

Contrabands official Facebook page.
Millions of people use facebook making it an easy way to raise awareness about the film.


Official trailer for contraband.
